
Transformational Leadership theory and strategies of Change Management

Course Objectives
·       This course combines change theory, techniques and strategies along with practical real life experience.
·       The course also examines the role, competencies and behaviors of the transformational leader in managing change.
·       Learning different models of change management as well as when and how they are used
·       Understanding why transformational leadership and change management are essential to managers
·       Being familiar with such terms as manager, leader, transformational leader and change management 
·       Understanding how ethics and values relate to transformational leadership and change management 
·       Knowing the characteristics / skills associated with transformational leadership and change management 
·       Understanding how to transform managers into transformational leaders

Who Should Attend? 
·       Executives
·       Managers
·       Supervisors
·       Anyone who is involved in change management

Course Content

Day 1
·       The challenge involved in change
·       Portrait and characteristics of transformation
·       Do great leaders share the same traits?
·       How much does context matter?

Day 2
·       Charismatic and transformational leadership
·       Resistance and reactions to change
·       Phases of transformation
·       Harnessing emotion
·       Making change stick

Day 3
·       Extrinsic motivation and reward
·       Beyond money: Intrinsic motivation
·       Power: Getting it and keeping it
·       Key levers of power
·       Influence: Tools of persuasion

Day 4
·       Reciprocity: Give and take
·       Negotiating as a way of life
·       Building and leading teams
·       Guiding teams as they evolve

Day 5
·       Observation and organizational learning
·       Stimulating creativity
·       Leading innovation
·       Developing leadership and emerging leaders

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