
Effective Classroom Management for Superior Learning Outcomes

Course Objectives
·       This course aims to introduce professionals in the education field to and guide them through the best practices for effective class management.
·       Participants will be able to sharpen their knowledge and practices about class structures, about class planners, as well as, learning styles and multiple intelligence.
·       Participants will be able to test and further enhance their knowledge about effective class management.
·       Introduce participants to the concept of class management.
·       Learn about different styles and structures of classes.
·       Learn how to effectively plan for your classes and teaching sessions.
·       Learn how effective class management can be achieved by better understanding of learning and teaching styles, and multiple intelligences.
·       Sharpen knowledge about effective class management using a case study.

Who Should Attend? 
·       School teachers and supervisors
·       School principals
·       Professionals working in the education field
·       New hires who want to start their career in the education field
·       Anyone who has got interest in class management techniques.

Course Content

Day 1
·       Introduction & course overview
·       What are class management strategies?
·       Characteristics of effective and ineffective class management
·       What do we need to effectively manage our classes?
·       A discussion about your class management style.

Day 2
·       Introduction to class structures
·       How to create a positive leaning environment?
·      Why it is important to organize and communicate properly in the class?
·       How to maintain a positive learning environment?
·       Open discussion – how do you structure your class.

Day 3
·       What is meant by class or teaching session planning?
·       Types of planning.
·       Who is responsible for planning; the teacher, the supervisor or both?
·       Tools for effective class and teaching session planning
·       What is your planning style?

Day 4
·    Discussion – what is multiple intelligence (MI) and learning styles (LS).
·       How understanding MI and LS can help is effective class management?
·   How can multiple intelligence and learning styles best be used together?
·  A formula for a successful class management and better learning outcomes
·    Reviewing and evaluating your class management performance is an ongoing process.

Day 5
·       Where do we start?
·       A case study on class management
· School management support is important for successful class management.
·       Conclusion

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